Sunday, September 30, 2012

Being Thankful

Today's sermon was about being thankful all the time... remembering that there are many who are not as fortunate.  Often times we forget and believe that we are entitled to the things we have... when clearly everything is a GIFT from God.

In the storms of our life, God is taking us through the desert, asking us to grow.  Often we are shaped during the storm to be more patient, compassionate and thoughtful.  It is in these times that God transforms us and softens our hearts. When I look at the things that God has given me, I know that I am truly loved.  As humans, we do compare.  We always think the grass is greener on the other side... we always hunger for more... but what we have to recognize is that we have enough.  God, himself, is enough.

It has been in recent years that I have realized that I really am not ready to be a parent. I know that God has a plan for me and being a parent doesn't mean that I have to be pregnant. God has put many people in my path and I know that God is building me up so that I can be the parent my child deserves.  I know that I am selfish and materialistic.  It is very apparent that God is fixing this flaw in me.

I know that parenting requires teamwork and my husband and I are sometimes not on the "same" page. So I do see God at work, building us to be stronger and more united. My husband believes that we need a new start and feels that selling our current home will satisfy this tear in his heart.  I pray that God will hear our prayer and lead us in the right direction. 

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