Sunday, July 31, 2011

To Serve Humbly and To Shout Out God's Name

Luke 22:24-30
From the Last Supper
In this world, we have rulers and bosses, people who order others around. In the kingdom of Christ, the one who has the greatest power serves his people. This tells me that our God is a loving one. If I am to follow Christ, I am to follow His example. I am to serve others regardless of my "status" and to serve with a humble heart as an extension of His love for me. If this passage were alive in me, I would serve others with a smile and go above and beyond what is expected of me, not thinking about "personal gain". I believe God is telling me to not let others change who I am. In reflecting back, I have been serving others with a humber heart, but I know that my judgement has been clouded and I know that I have not been serving the way Christ would want me to. I thank God for this message and I pray for strength and for forgiveness for I have strayed off the path...

1 Thessalonians 2:14-3:4
From Paul Remembering His Visit
Paul emphasizes that God is our pride and joy. Non-believers will persecute us for leading others to Christ. This passage tells me that the road to follow Jesus, is not an easy one, but God is worth it. I must be more courageous and let God work through me. Do not resist, and listen for God's voice. God is showing me this because I have been chickening out... instead of being an "open" Christian, I have become a "closet" Christian. I do not act like a proud follower of Christ at work. I morph into the "social norm". I ask God for courage to be His witness and wisdom with His word to share with others and protection from the evil one at work.

A Fresh New Start

I just came back from my mission trip to Cambodia. God definitely has renewed my heart and I am now making a committment to spend time in prayer and devotion every day. How can I better show my love to God than by learning more about Him and listening to His voice rather than my random mutterings.

My plan is to read a passage of scripture before or during breakfast and to meditate on His words and ask the following questions:
1. What does the passage say about God?
2. What does the passage say about me?
3. What are the commands for me obey or examples to follow?
4. How might I be different if this passage were alive in me?
5. Why might God be showing me this today?
6. What would I like to ask God for, having been given today as a gift and having heard His word?

These are questions that I was asked to journal as a part of my devotions in Cambodia. Oh how I have benefitted... God has reminded me to be patient and that when I ask, He will respond, but in His time. God has answered one of my deepest prayers during my time in Cambodia and that was renewing my husband's faith...

My desire is to post my ponderings to document how God is working in my life.
I have a song playing in my head. It goes...
"I will feel no evil, for my God is with me.
If my God is with me, whom then shall I fear, whom then shall fear?"