Monday, March 19, 2012

My New Submersion in the Word

Today's passage is from Luke 7:37-38. It's about how Jesus could forgive and associate himself with a prostitute.  This prostitute had so much faith that she washed Jesus' feet with her tears and a bottle of expensive perfume.  She even kissed his feet. She did all this because she loved Christ.
the Pharisees claimed that Jesus couldn't be the Son of God, as God would never love a sinner, especially a prostititute. Christ says, " Therefore I tell you, her sins, which are many, are forgiven- for she loved much.  But he who is forgiven little, loves little.." (Luke 7:47).

I am attending the "Becoming a Contagious Christian" course and am in the process of creating my story to share with others to make them understand how God is working in my life and changing me, making me a far better person...

Monday, March 5, 2012

Taking a Stand for Public Education

I'm sorry, but this won't be a scripture reflection today... for I need prayer for a calmer heart...

I'm feeling rather remissed by the whole strike action teachers have to take... I have seen first hand what the government's cost saving measures have turned our education system into... a mess.  Over the course of the 10 years I have been teaching, I have moved from being a proud professional to one who is overworked and at times overwhelmed and discouraged by the types of children I have to teach on a daily basis.  I am a perfectionist and spend countless hours outside of class time thinking of ways to make things work - to make lessons come alive and to engage all my learners in one single lesson. 

But every year, I am faced with a new challenge... more special needs kids... more kids who can't get a ministry designation because we don't have staff to perform the necessary tests in a timely fashion. It doesn't matter that I have 4 identified kids, plus 1 more that will be given a designation before the end of the year - one that I have been pushing to get identified nearly 1.5 years ago, not to mention the 2 others that I have who are slow learners with written output issues that I know will not be identified any time soon.  It doesn't make a difference to the government that I have a class of 10 out of 30 students who have learning needs... this figure doesn't seem far fetched as I can easily have 10 out of 30 fail and 10 out 30 ace the same math test.  Please tell me, how does this make teaching easy?

I look back to my class just 5 years ago... I covered so much more curricular material at a more in depth level... I can't do that anymore... for if I did, nearly half of my class would fail.  Because of the needs in the class, with no extra support, I have had to cover material at a much slower pace. 5 years ago I "only" had 3 kids with learning disabilities...

People are under the impression that it is not only the children with special needs that are affected, but the whole class is affected... As a result these children, as a group, have been "dumbed" down. They pass on each year, "dumbed" down a little more each time.  By the time they reach middle school and secondary school, the damage has been done... As classroom teachers spend more time working with the students with learning needs, we neglect the rest of the others. How is this equitable?  It is not... the system has failed and teachers are left picking up the pieces making it work.

I have analogy for the state our education system. The public can't see how bad things are because teachers have done such a great cover up job...I think of it as ER doctors who have to take on more and more high risk and high needs patients to a point where it is impossible to see all the patients they need to. In fact they would have to give up their lunch hour, work through their break and even stay later without pay... why would they do this?  Because the system is broken and if they didn't do this, they wouldn't be able to live with their decision to turn their back on someone in need... Not only do they give up what ever time they have, but they are asked to take on additional challenges, like taking on tasks that require specialists... That's what our government has done... they have taken away our specialists and asked the remaining generalists to carry the load... what is their plan?  To throw in a few eduation assistants... wow...

Some people argue, telling us to stop doing all the extras, let the system crumble.  But who will suffer?  The children, who never asked to be victims of this cost saving measure.  As someone who preaches doing the right thing, how can I stand back and not save whoever I can?

The government talks about teaching to the future... individualized learning plans for every student... wow... don't you think that's what most teacher do anyways... but now the government wants to coind this phrase and add a paperwork component to it with out giving us support and provisions to make this work... we can't even keep up as it is, how can they expect anymore.  I have nothing more to give... what do they want?  My first born child?  My life?  I find it hurtful when people complain about teachers, when they haven't even walked into our classrooms... when they can't even remember their child's teacher's name... that's sad... it's disrespectful... That's right, I'm not a day care provider for your child while you at work.  I'm attempting to mould your child so he or she can have a brighter future...

So I pray that the public and our government officials can open their eyes to see we have a system that needs saving.  Money needs to go into fund education.  All that you have taken out this past decade needs to be fixed.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Getting Back...

It's been rather odd since it has been nearly 2 weeks since my last post.  I feel a little disconnected, especially with all the things happening at work.

Matthew 24:32-51
Jesus Fortells the Future
The Son of Man will come without warning and take us with him to live with God. I do wonder when this day will come.

1 Corinthians 4:1-21
Paul and the Corinthians
All we have is from God, so why boast about it.
The kingdom of God is not just fancy talk, it is living by God's power.